Monday, June 4, 2012


As my junior year is coming to an end I am forced to reflect. I look back at the year and I notice how challenging it truly was, in every realm. However, I also realize that I had a best friend who stuck by my side through it all.

Now you may be wondering how my amazing best friend ties in with the title "Surroundings." Well, I am here to talk about people you essentially surround yourself with.

In life the choices we make are what shape our character. That is what is SO great about our God. He gives us the freedom of choice to choose how we live our lives for Him. However, this also means that we can make choices that may harm or corrupt us and our overall character. 

1 Corinthians 15:33- Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.

My question to you is who do you surround yourself with?  Surround yourself with people who lift you up and help you GROW in not only your relationship with God but push you to be a better person overall. 

My best friend has CONSISTENTLY pressed me to become someone who is a LIGHT in this dark world. She not only loves on me through my rough times but constantly reminds me of my worth in the eyes of her AND Jesus. I encourage you to find someone like my best friend Emma. Someone you can look up to and someone who is so deeply rooted in their relationship with Jesus that it rubs off on not only you, but others.

 We are the change the world is waiting for, we've got a love the world is desperate for. 

Find someone who challenges you spiritually everyday and walks on the same path beside you. A friend who will change the world with you. 

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