This past summer a whirlwind of changes occurred in my life. I lost a lot of friends dear to my heart and was truly questioning God and his direction in my life.
July 10th, 2012 was a morning at Spencer Lake Youth Camp that I knew God was speaking straight to my heart. I woke earlier than usual, which just to be clear...I am not a morning person. However, I knew that I needed to seek after Him and just spend time in His presence.
I had a set devotion I was going through this past summer and it was fantastic however, on that crisp early morning I knew I needed to trust God and stray off from my "routine."
I flipped open to 1 John 4:17-21:
- God is love. When we take up permanent residence in a life of love, we live in God and God lives in us.
- There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear.
Now before I get to my favorite part of this scripture, I just want to reflect on those verses.
How powerful is that? We need to soley love like God does because we LIVE in Him and He LIVES in us. We cannot be fearful because there is no room for it. We have such a powerful love living inside of us, if we allow it, that banishes fear. What a great concept.
As I looked on I read words that hit me straight in the face. Listen to this...
- If he won't love the person he can see, how can he love the God he can't see?
Wow. I think time to time this is such a crippling issue in our society today. Sure, people treat me unkindly...but who am I to judge? God loves me unconditionally. He loves me even at times when I turn my back and question him. All I can do is love the way God loves.
Lord...give me the gift of faith...Teach me to live this moment only, looking neither to the past with regret, nor the future with apprehension. Let love be my aim and my life a prayer. ~Roseann Alexander Isham
Dear Lindsey Weber, so good to know you through your profile on the Blogger. I am gald to know that you have passion for missions and vision to change the World. The post under your Blog " Reality Dose"
ReplyDeletethe post "Power of Love" is very powerful. I am in the Pastoral ministry for last 33 yrs and these days I have been preaching on Power and I am still to touch Power of Love but certainly I am going to take to preach on your post of January 14, 2013, Well I am placed in Mumbai, India a city with great contrast where richest of rich and the poorest of poor live with a population of 18 million of which half of the population live in the slums and those who live in the slums are the people who are poverty stricken, marginalized,underprivileged and socially, politically and economically oppressed. We reach out to such people with the love of Christ to bring healing to the broken hearted and to give them new hope, future, purpose in their lives. We also encourage young people as well as adults from the West to come on a short term missions trip to come and work with us. Since missions is your passion how good will it be to prayerfully think on making a short term missions trip to work with us. We would love to have you work with us. I am sure you will have a life changing experience. Looking forward to hear from you. My email id is
dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is Diwakar Wankhede